Machine Design Process

Example of Exporting a Machine to Europe

Example of Exporting a Machine to Europe

What are the A/B/C standards (Type A/B/C standards)?
ISO/IEC Guide 51 provides a structured approach to ensure that each specialized safety standard is restricted to specific aspects and makes reference to wider-ranging standards for all other relevant aspects. The structure is built on the following types of standard, Type A, B, and C standard.
What is risk assessment?
Overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation. Risk analysis is a systematic use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk. Risk evaluation is a procedure based on the risk analysis to determine whether tolerable risk has been exceeded.
What are the 3-step Method and protective measures?
These refer to the following three methods: inherently safe design measures, safeguarding and complementary protective measures, and the provision of information for use.
What is adequate risk reduction?
Risk reduction must achieve the tolerable risk as well as for compliance with the law and/or regulation.

Determination of Applicable Safety Standard

Close coordination is necessary within and among technical committees in the ISO and/or IEC responsible for preparing standards on different products and systems, in order to achieve a coherent approach to the reduction of risk. ISO/IEC Guide 51 provides a structured approach to ensure that each specialised safety standard is restricted to specific aspects and makes reference to wider-ranging standards for all other relevant aspects. The structure is built on the following types of standards: Type A, B, and C standards.

Type A standards
This is a basic safety standard, comprising fundamental concepts, principles and requirements with regard to general safety aspects applicable to a wide range of products and systems.
Type B standards
This is a group safety standard, comprising safety aspects applicable to several products or systems, or a family of similar products or systems, making reference, as far as possible, to basic safety standards.
Type C standards
This is a product safety standard, comprising safety aspects for a specific product or system, or a family of products or systems, making reference, as far as possible, to basic safety standards and group safety standards.

When determining the applicable safety standard, Type C standards must be applied to the machine if the Type C standard has already been established. Type A or Type B standards would be applied if the Type C standard has not been established, or if the existing Type C standard is not sufficient for risk reduction.


Determination of Applicable Safety Standard

  • Visualize / Robust / Easy Safety Light Curtain GL-V Series
  • Industry Leading Safety Laser Scanner SZ-V Series
  • Small | Protection Area of 4.2m Safety Laser Scanner SZ Series
