XG-X Series Software
This page introduces how to download the latest software and how to activate the software (register for use).
VisionEditor, VisionTerminal
This integrated development environment software allows users to configure and edit XG-X Series settings using a PC. Click here to activate (register for use). |
This software allows users to collect image data and results data from the controller on a PC easily and to display and manipulate controller screens on a PC. | |
Offering only the simulation function of the VisionEditor software, this software can be used on multiple PCs with only one licence. Click here to activate (register for use). |
XG-X Controller Firmware |
This firmware is for use with XG-X Series controllers. |
XG-X ActiveX Control
This is an ActiveX control for creating windows application that operates the controller, collects data or image output from controller. |
DRIVERS (Also included with XG-H1X products)
This driver is used for USB connection to a PC. | |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via EtherNet/IP®. Registration of these EDS files is not necessary for KEYENCE KV Series products. If XG-X Series cannot be selected in your version of KV STUDIO, please update to the latest version of KV STUDIO. |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via CC-Link. | |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via PROFINET. *The version of the CA-NPN20E can be checked in the controller's "Preferences" under "System Information" under "Communication Expansion Unit Version". |
These files are used for connecting XG-X Series products to a PLC via EtherCAT. |